Sunday, December 14, 2008
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Bush regrets shakes its head
4,207 US dead
43,993 US injuries
89,544 Iraqi Dead
...and counting
What a disaster of a President...I, for one, did not vote for him, and hold my head held high by that fact.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Friday, November 7, 2008
Anti-Mormon Ad opposing prop. 8
Very interesting....of course some of their facts are way off.
Now that the intiative to amend the consitution has passed, opponents have taken to the streets. That is their right. They can make all the noise they want, that is what makes this country great. But they screwed up. If they did not want this to pass, they should have made the argument to the state's electorate. I think they took it for granted that the proposition would not pass, as the polls demonstrated and therefore did not make their case clearly, or perhaps they did. Either way, it is clear that the electorate is not prepared to make the leap that opponents of prop 8 believe that state was ready to do. It is interesting that the Black vote was instrumental in prop. 8's passage, as they, as a whole, do not see it as a civil rights issue.
There have been legal challanges to prop. 8. I would be very suprised if the courts overturn the voter's choice, now that this is an amendment to the constitution and it is the second time california has voted the same way.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
What this means to me...

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Fox Disses Palin...We were this close...She Did Not Know Africa was a Continent!!!!!
Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We dodged a dare McCain make such a dumb choice.
For a longer video see: Here
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Obama Wins - US, World Celebrates
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I could have run a better Prop. 8 Campaign
From what I can make out there were three main arguments:
1. That "Activist Judges from San Francisco" are making laws and not respecting the will of the people.
2. That children will be taught that gay marriage is ok in schools.
3. We should only have traditional marriage.
"Activist Judges from San Francisco"
This is just dumb. They are using "San Francisco" to contect the judges to the liberal city. Well, the California Supreme Court (CSC) is based in San Francisco, so any judge that sits on the CSC is based in San Francisco. Of course the author of the In re Marriages, and almost all the members of the court were GOP appointees.
Of course the paradox of this argument is that if Proposition 8 does not pass, then the decision would reflect public opinion, hence, the court would not have been "activist".
see ad:
"Kids in School"
I keep asking myself why, why? This opened the campaing to numerous attacks, and now it as challanged the CA School Superindendent. I found this on youtube:
Depending on the attorney, CA may or may not require teaching gay marriage in school.
See, since the ad above does not mention that that Mass. court decision is based on state law, the opponents seized on this...
"Protects Traditional Marriage"
This was the best argument, but it has been totally lost in the half-truths, conjecture, and controversy of the campaign not the issue. This is really unfortunate.
Here is my view:
Monday, October 27, 2008
A warning from the past....
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Palin Unsafe for NHL Players
Watch goalie get injuried when he steps on the carpet for Sarah Palin. She needs to stay away, but ,on the on the other hand the LA Kings won the game!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
What I can do with $150,000.00!
Friday, October 17, 2008
Don't Believe the Hype

Recently all the polls are trending to Obama, that he will win the Presidency
My cynical self does not give these polls the benefit of the doubt. I personally do not believe that Obama will win. As I see it, someone will walk into the polling both, and will find some reason, however how minute, and not vote for Obama (racism, or here). Of course that is not to say that all who vote otherwise are racist, I certainly believe that there are many who have fundamental disagreements with Obama's positions; but nonetheless, am I certain that some will chose color over substance. Too bad. American will lose a golden opportunity...Racism is alive an well.
See Obama Waffles:
See More Hate by McCain Supporters:
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Obama - Logo, Video games

I wonder if you caught this news, Obama is advertising in video games :

Saturday, October 11, 2008
Palin Booed at Flyer's Game
Here is the video (see the Obama/Biden sign behind her):
Friday, October 10, 2008
What has happened to the GOP?
1. Racial epithets at black member of the media at a Palin Rally
2. Someone calling Obama a terrorist at a rally:
3. Supporters believe that Obama is a terrorist:
4. McCain booed when he characterized Obama as a decent man
What ever happen to being Christian-like. Is not the GOP the party that wraps itself in religion?
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Palin's Experience = Reagan's or Clinton's Experience?
What? Palin's experience is the same as Ronald Reagan's or Bill Clinton's. Is he crazy? Lets compare:
Palin - Member of Wasilla City Council 1992 - 1996, Mayor 1996 - 2002, Chairperson, Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission 2003 - 2004, Governor Alaska 2006 to present
Ronald Reagan - President, Screen Actor's Guild 1947 - 1952, 1959, Governor California 1967 - 1975
Bill Clinton - Attorney General Arkansas 1977 - 1979, Governor Arkansas 1979 - 1981, 1983-1992
I'm sorry, how can McCain claim that Palin has the same experience as Reagan or Clinton, both who were governors for at least 8 years! Sure, she may have been a mayor for 6 years, but how big is Wasilla? (2002 - 5,469, estimate 9,780). Clinton was both the AG and the Governor for almost 15 years when he took office. Reagan had been Governor of the largest state in the nation, California for two full terms, 8 years. So the idea that Palin is somehow in the same league of qualification as either Clinton or Reagan is laughable. I guess, McCain made his pick, and will have to defend it at any cost. Just sad, what happened to the "Straight Talk Express"?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
McCain's Health Care Plan
Here, the NY Times reports on McCain's health care initiative:
Here’s what McCain has to say about the wonders of market-based health reform:
Opening up the health insurance market to more vigorous nationwide competition, as we have done over the last decade in banking, would provide more choices of innovative products less burdened by the worst excesses of state-based regulation.
So McCain, who now poses as the scourge of Wall Street, was praising financial deregulation like 10 seconds ago — and promising that if we marketize health care, it will perform as well as the financial industry!
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Pink Floyd Keyboardist Dies - Richard Wright
"The Great Gig in the Sky" - Pink Floyd, written by Richard Wright

Pink Floyd is my favorite band of all time. On Monday, Richard Wright, instrumental to the Pink Floyd "sound" past away from cancer at the age of 65. This is very sad news. His music, and that of Pink Floyd, has been a constant companion since my early-teens (only about 5 years ago!). He will be sorely missed.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Specific Plans from the Candidates

What I found interesting is that McCain only mentioned Bush once, and did not mention Cheney at all, nor did he talk about my most important issue: Health Care. I asked a staunch conservative what exactly is the GOP's plan to fix the health care mess, and they were not able to tell me. I still don't know after listening to the GOP convention. Does anybody know? I hope people can see through this Palin hoopla and ask the serious policy questions, such as Health Care. Come to think of it, Palin's speech said absolutely nothing about policy (save for Drill Baby Drill).
Are Americans that in love with personalities that they do not bother to look at the issues? Are we?
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Community Organizers are bad?!!???

Here is a post I found about GOP convention last night:
"Why would that kind of work be ridiculous?" Obama said. "Who are they fighting for? What are they advocating for? They think that the lives of those folks who are struggling each and every day, that working with them to try to improve their lives is somehow not relevant to the presidency? I think maybe that's the problem -- that's part of why they're out of touch and they don't get it 'cause they haven't spent much time working on behalf of those folks."
My Husband and I have been Registered Republicans for 45 years and fully planned on supporting the ticket this year as well.
My son has been a Community Organizer in Boston for the past 5 years and done tremendous and important work helping the less fortunate. My Husband and I are very proud of him and until last night were proud Republicans as well- but we've NEVER been so insulted in all our lives. Imagine if one of your children's chosen career was fed through the meat grinder the way ours was!!!!!
We were sitting there and the entire convention felt like it was mocking us, our wonderful son and the choices he's made in his life - to try and give back and make a difference. I'm embarrassed to say this morning the whole thing had me in tears.
This concept may be laughable to most in the GOP but it's not to us and we support him 100% and we could never support a Party that so willingly mocks members children.
Furthermore, I found the tone of the whole thing to be rather Sophomoric and had virtually NO substance at all - especially Rudy G and Palin.
We wanted to know more about Sarah Palin and instead got negativity and condescending attacks from WHO exactly? Who are you- we still don't know except that you can insult others- many of them!
This whole thing came off as preachy, very divisive and just plain nasty.
Must admit that I feel terrible and ashamed that I would support a ticket and a Party that so freely tossed people like my son under the bus for Political gain?
Or is that just the way the GOP feels about Citizens that aren't up to their high standards of making a living? Who really are the elitist here????
Either way- the attack on Community Organizers may have initiated it and although if I relied on the speeches we still have NO Idea where Palin stands on the issues but- do know that she can recite snarky remarks that were obviously provided for her.
What are her plans ideas hopes- who knows?
Certainly the very limited info that has been provided on her positions is quite enough for us - this woman is WAY too far Right, even for us lifetime Republicans. This is the direction the GOP wants as a symbol of the future? This is the direction you want to take the Party? Creationism in School, Iraq is a 'task from God', Abstanance, No incest or rape options, Ignore creationism, greenhouse effect is a myth and on and on.
Our youngest son (a Dentist- is that better?)- is a ardent Obama supporter and has been Campaigning here in Richmond Virginia for him for months. Today we are going to join him, not just because our son and thousands of others that work in the Social services, was ridiculed but because in our hearts we've known for a while that THIS time- It's the right thing to do! We will work with the same conviction we did for IKE way back when to get a ticket elected that we feel is representative for ALL (or the vast majority of) the people. We will try and convince close friends relatives and people at our Catholic Church to do the same!
I would have never in my wildest dreams thought this would have happened - that my own Party would make me feel so badly, completely ostracized and like the butt of a cruel and unnecessary joke. In the bigger picture, however- It has become abundantly clear to us and surely to some other Moderate Republicans and Independents-, that the Pat Buchanan and Rovarian Wing has won out!!!! These weren't the values and principals of the Party I supported, not even close. Last night my husband said to me- "President Reagan would be ashamed" and you know what- I bet he's right!
We are done buying into the GOP hate and scare machine and urge any open minded and realistic Republicans to do the same.
Thank you for allowing my thoughts to be heard.
God Bless
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Black Man Spotted at the GOP Convention
Monday, September 1, 2008
Palin, McCain and Pregant Teen

I'm with Obama on this, Palin's family should be off-limits. However, it has been reported that McCain knew of Palin's daughter's pregnancy. That means, that McCain knew that Bristol was pregnant when he picked her mother for Veep, and knew that Bristol would be scrutinized by the ever-relentless media. My question is why would McCain do this to a 17-year old that is pregnant, and probably scared out of her wits already, now she has the spotlight of the media and has been made an issue in this campaign. Did anybody ask Bristol her opinion?
Did McCain even weigh Bristol's feeling on this matter. Poor girl. How could McCain do this? Judgment, judgment.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
"Judicial Activism", Prop 8 and the LDS Chruch, Part 1
But what is "Judicial Activism"? For me this is the key understanding all these issues. The conservative organization Focus on the Family defines "Judicial Activism" as:
Judicial activism is the term used to describe the actions of judges who go beyond their constitutionally prescribed duties of applying law to the facts of individual cases, and "legislate" from the bench. These judges create new constitutional rights, amend existing ones, or create or amend existing legislation to fit their own notions of societal needs. (see here)
of course, nary a conservative organization considered the District of Columbia, et al. v. Dick Anthony Heller
in which the court invalidated and interpreted the 2nd amendment, as an example of "Judicial Activism", never mind that the court overturned a highly popular law in Washington D.C.
Basically "Judicial Activism" is used when "conservatives" don't like a decision, even though it may be based on judicially logical reasoning. The Focus on the Family site has an interesting note on "Judicial Activisim':
" Q. But I've heard that liberal, activist courts are the defenders of minority rights. Is that true?
A. Absolutely false! Let's look at the issues of slavery and segregation.
- In 1820, Congress passed the Missouri Compromise and outlawed slavery in the new territories created in that legislation. The Supreme Court's 1857 Dred Scott decision overturned the anti-slavery portions of the Missouri Compromise and affirmed that slaves were indeed "property."
- In 1865, Congress and the states (not the courts) passed the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery. In 1875, Congress banned all racial segregation. Yet the Supreme Court in 1883 held that legislation to be unconstitutional.8 Then, in 1896, the Supreme Court held that "separate but equal" facilities were valid under the 14th Amendment,9 another amendment passed in the wake of the Civil War in response to slavery. It took the Supreme Court almost 60 years to reverse itself on that issue, declaring that "separate but equal" was "inherently unequal." That case, Brown v. Board of Education,10 is almost always used (incorrectly, as history teaches us) to support the notion that the Supreme Court is the protector of civil rights."
So was the Court decision in the Marriage cases Judicial Activism? Really it depends on who you ask. However, should we use the ballot box to overturn unpopular decision?
Personally, I believe that overturing court decision that are unpopular can set a dangerous precedent. The role of the courts is the protect the minority from the tyranny of the majority. What if the Perez v. Sharp decision had been overturned by the voters? The decision was highly unpopular in California, since it allowed a non-white to marry a white person. If that had been overturned, I could not have legally married my wife! As such, It is important to consider the impact that overturning judicial decision has.
What makes this country different, is the role that the judiciary has played in the development of our democracy. In totalitarian and authoritarian countries, the judiciary is an extension of the government, and is not an independent co-equal branch of the government. While the courts have on occasion reflected public opinion, it has not. Think about it, if the courts always reflected public opinion, we would still have slavery, discrimination, etc.
More to come....(sorry of any mispelling)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
McCain + NATO + Georgia = Crazy!!!!

From Politico:
"NATO’s decision to withhold a Membership Action Plan for Georgia might have been viewed as a green light by Russia for its attacks on Georgia, and I urge the NATO allies to revisit the decision," McCain argues.
The treaty organization's Article 5 states that an attack on any member is an attack against all, and and commits all members all members to defend any member that's attacked; so Georgian membership would, in theory, commit the U.S. to war with Russia in a future conflict. The argument in favor of membership is that Russia wouldn't dare test whether that's a bluff.
Is John McCain crazy? If NATO had admitted Georgia, we would be obliged to fight the Russian in Central Asia. How can McCain honestly says that NATO should reconsider - or is simply posturing, naked posturing? This is the kind of blind diplomacy that got Europe into WWI. Would it be worth it for the US to get into a fight with Russia over an are the size of LA County?I hope people don't see this as "Presidential", but it is not, it's simply lunacy.
Friday, July 18, 2008
New Ponyo Trailer! - Opens Today in Japan
New Ponyo Trailer - looks great!
At the end of the clip you see Miyazaki-san, he is wearing dark-rimmed glasses with the beard. I met him once in L.A., I'll never forget that moment.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Ponyo on the Cliff by the Sea - Reply to Amanda's inquiry
Amanda wrote: "really? I've seen some japanese shows but they usually involve pokeman or some kind of giant scary threat to man kind. does it come with subtitles?"
Reply: Amanda, Miyazaki's films are a different breed altogether. Yes, many Japanese animations are about monster as such, however Miyazaki's films are very fanciful and for the most part have intimate stories. Unlike like many American animated films, Miyazaki's films are not about the "good" guy overcoming the "bad" guy, in fact, some of his films do not have "villians" at all!
All of Miyazaki's films have been released by Disney, both subtitled and translated into English. Disney took pains to get it right, and the films reflect that work.
I highly recommend his films. "Spirited Away", "Kiki's Delivery Service", and "My Neighbor Totoro" (click to see trailer) are a great place to start. Interestingly, they all have young girls are protagonist - your girls might relate. "Ponyo" has not been released yet, so that wont be here until next year, but you can find these titles at you local video store. Check them out!
If you are curious, Hayao Miyazaki is the director of Oscar-winning "Spirited Away" and other films like "Princess Mononoke", "My Nieghbor Totoro" (Marco's Favorite), "Nausicaa", "Kiki's Delivery Service", "Castle in the Sky", "Howl's Moving Castle". A master film maker. He is well regarded around the world. See Here for more info.
You must see his films.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Fantastic Song from LA - based band, Airborne Toxic Event
Well, 2 1/2 kids later, everything turned out fantastic!
Either way, this is one of the best songs I have heard in a long time, totally stopped me when I hear it the other morning on
Live Version:
Recorded Version:
Monday, June 30, 2008
10 Reasons I will not live in LA or raise my kids there
2) Traffic
3) Earthquakes
4) Too many people
5) Not enough open space-too much concrete!
6) Food more expensive
7) Insurance more expensive
8) Overcrowded, poor schools
9) Parking garages-I hate them, they make me sick (literally)
10)Smog and dirtiness
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Obama on the Family, Fathers
I like the line "Any fool can have a child. That doesn't make you a father. It's the courage to raise the child that makes you a father"
Saturday, June 7, 2008
B-Ball and Barack
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Why Fox News should be called Faux News
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
What the .....?
I'm not the one be elitist, but where do people get their information? First, people are all up in arms because Obama's relationship with a Christian Minister, and then they turn around as say he is a Muslim!??!
Are Americans just dumb, misinformed, lazy, or what? What is going on?
Saturday, May 10, 2008
McCain's Wright?
McCain has sold his soul.
Listen to what he says about hate crime legislation:
His totally wrong!!!
Here are the Rules of Construction in the Bill he is talking about:
"SEC. 8. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. Nothing in this Act, or the amendments made by this Act, shall be construed to prohibit any expressive conduct protected from legal prohibition by, or any activities protected by the free speech or free exercise clauses of, the First Amendment to the Constitution."
Even if he is right and the bill allows you to do this, it would never past constitutional scruitiny if passed. There are only very specific types of speech that can be curtailed, and it's highly unlikely that the Congress would ever consider a bill that would be blatantly unconsitutional.
This is total far-right wing bull!
He talks about how terrorist use fear, but here, in these two videos, he himself is using fear to sell his bull.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
The Votes are In, and the Long National Nightmare is Over:
Friday, May 2, 2008
5 Years ago this week
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Was Abinadi Unpatriotic?

The questions is what is a Patriot? Is the definition implied in the quote above is that unconditional love of country? If so, many of the old prophets were unpatriotic.
Take my favorite personality in the Book of Mormon, Abinadi.
Mosiah 11:20 states, "And it came to pass there was a man among them whose name was Abinadi...." So we know that Abinadi was a citizen of that Nephite kingdom.
What was the nature of Abinadi's message to the people? Mosiah 12:2 states, " Yea, wo be unto this generation! And the Lord said unto me: Stretch forth thy hand and prophesy, saying: Thus saith the Lord, it shall come to pass that this generation, because of their iniquities, shall be brought into abondage, and shall be smitten on the bcheek; yea, and shall be driven by men, and shall be slain; and the vultures of the air, and the dogs, yea, and the wild beasts, shall devour their cflesh."
This is a very serious message. Imagine what would happen to a prominent preacher would say that our cournty will be devoured by wild beast! But, this is what Abinadi was doing.
Sounds unpatriotic to me!? Then, if we go through the Bible and the Book of Mormon, many of the prophets would be considered unpatriotic.
Is that right, or is our concept of patriotism wrong?
Thursday, April 24, 2008
The End of the Democrat Party
So, she can not win the pledged delegates, so it's up to the super-delegates.
Here is how I think this can play out.
1. Obama wins the nomination. The GOP will use the same tactics as Clinton, uses her words and her statements against Obama. There is nothing worse that using your own party's words against you. That is what Reagan did against Carter, using Kennedy's attacks against Carter. Who won?
2. Clinton wins the nomination. She does it by convincing the super-delegates that she is more electable, thereby overturning the popular election results. Thats is the same argument that is used to discredit the 2000 election for W. This is the worse scenario. People will be upset and not vote. Feel resentful to the party.
Either way, the Dems have lost the Presidency to McCain. Years from now Historians will point to what should have been a great campaign (a black and a women as front runners) and lament how it all turn to hell. They will place the blame on Clinton for destroying the coalition that was the Democrat Party. Her tactics have a ring of "If I don't win, he can't either". The longer she continues to attack him, the more McCain gains. She does not seem to see that, or frankly care.
Do you really believe that if it was the other way around, and it was Obama that had lost 11 primaries in a row, was behind in delegates and popular vote, that he would not been pressured to give up?
This whole notion that Obama "outspent me", but I won PA, therefore I am the stronger candidate is ludicrous. She was always the favorite. He was polling 20-30 points behind for a long time. It is amazing that with all her friends and name recognition that she only won by some 10 points. Should not have she won by some 30 points with all the advantage she had going into this process.
This is the end for the Democratic Party for a long time. If she wins, she will surely lose. If he wins, all the damage that she has cause will help the GOP. It too bad that she does not see it. History will not absolve her. History will be cruel to her.
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
From the NY Times - Who Endorsed Clinton - Having second thoughts
The Low Road to Victory
The Pennsylvania campaign, which produced yet another inconclusive result on Tuesday, was even meaner, more vacuous, more desperate, and more filled with pandering than the mean, vacuous, desperate, pander-filled contests that preceded it.
Voters are getting tired of it; it is demeaning the political process; and it does not work. It is past time for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to acknowledge that the negativity, for which she is mostly responsible, does nothing but harm to her, her opponent, her party and the 2008 election.
If nothing else, self interest should push her in that direction. Mrs. Clinton did not get the big win in Pennsylvania that she needed to challenge the calculus of the Democratic race. It is true that Senator Barack Obama outspent her 2-to-1. But Mrs. Clinton and her advisers should mainly blame themselves, because, as the political operatives say, they went heavily negative and ended up squandering a good part of what was once a 20-point lead.
On the eve of this crucial primary, Mrs. Clinton became the first Democratic candidate to wave the bloody shirt of 9/11. A Clinton television ad — torn right from Karl Rove’s playbook — evoked the 1929 stock market crash, Pearl Harbor, the Cuban missile crisis, the cold war and the 9/11 attacks, complete with video of Osama bin Laden. “If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” the narrator intoned.
If that was supposed to bolster Mrs. Clinton’s argument that she is the better prepared to be president in a dangerous world, she sent the opposite message on Tuesday morning by declaring in an interview on ABC News that if Iran attacked Israel while she were president: “We would be able to totally obliterate them.”
By staying on the attack and not engaging Mr. Obama on the substance of issues like terrorism, the economy and how to organize an orderly exit from Iraq, Mrs. Clinton does more than just turn off voters who don’t like negative campaigning. She undercuts the rationale for her candidacy that led this page and others to support her: that she is more qualified, right now, to be president than Mr. Obama.
Mr. Obama is not blameless when it comes to the negative and vapid nature of this campaign. He is increasingly rising to Mrs. Clinton’s bait, undercutting his own claims that he is offering a higher more inclusive form of politics. When she criticized his comments about “bitter” voters, Mr. Obama mocked her as an Annie Oakley wannabe. All that does is remind Americans who are on the fence about his relative youth and inexperience.
No matter what the high-priced political operatives (from both camps) may think, it is not a disadvantage that Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton share many of the same essential values and sensible policy prescriptions. It is their strength, and they are doing their best to make voters forget it. And if they think that only Democrats are paying attention to this spectacle, they’re wrong.
After seven years of George W. Bush’s failed with-us-or-against-us presidency, all American voters deserve to hear a nuanced debate — right now and through the general campaign — about how each candidate will combat terrorism, protect civil liberties, address the housing crisis and end the war in Iraq.
It is getting to be time for the superdelegates to do what the Democrats had in mind when they created superdelegates: settle a bloody race that cannot be won at the ballot box. Mrs. Clinton once had a big lead among the party elders, but has been steadily losing it, in large part because of her negative campaign. If she is ever to have a hope of persuading these most loyal of Democrats to come back to her side, let alone win over the larger body of voters, she has to call off the dogs.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Bashing Barack Obama, via email

Interesting picture, is that my Mormon Brother gleefully standing next to this sign that compares Obama to Osama bin Landen?
This email message was forwarded to me:
I will post a response soon. Wow, unbelievable!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Waters of March
One of my favorite songs of all times. Written by Antonio Carlos Jobim, it has two version, one in English and another in Portuguese. It has been covered by many artist. These are my two favorite. If you type in "Waters of March" in Youtube you'll get a bunch of versions.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Civics Quiz - Can You Answer these Questions?
2. Name a country that borders Israel? (there are four)
3. What country is the city of Kabul located?
4. Which of the following countries are democracies: Cuba, India, Japan, China
5. What years was the U.S. Civil War fought?
6. What is the most populous Islamic country?
7. The case Roe v. Wade is about what?
8. How many justices sit on the Supreme Court?
9. What year did the U.S. drop a nuclear weapon on Hiroshima, Japan?
10. Who is the Secretary of Defense?
These are question asked to college students, most could not answer the questions above. See this article: click here What has happen to civics in school? Are we so connected to our machines, that we ignore the world?
Here are the answers:
1. the process of taking terror suspects to foreign countries for interrogation purposes, countries where U.S. law will not apply.
2. Egypt, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon
3. Afghanistan, it's the capital city
4. Japan and India
5. 1861-1865
6. Indonesia
7. the seminal case on Abortion
8. Nine
9. 1945
10. Robert Gates
Sunday, April 6, 2008
Argentina's Dirty War - 30 years on.

The Dirty War was a the Argentine government's war against dissidents and government critics. Click Here for more information. A brutal government policy that destroyed countless lives and families.
Now, Maria Eugenia Sampallo, a victim of that war, has received a measure of justice. In Argentina a individual can bring criminal charges. She brought criminal charges against the couple that raised her. They considered themselves "adoptive parents", she has described them as "kidnappers". They were convicted by a criminal court recently. See article here. There is a film on this subject, "The Official Story".
Justice has prevailed. There are many still who seek it. No Justice No Peace.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Battlestar Galactica and Mormonism - New and Last Season Begins

This Friday marks the return of the best show on TV period. Battlestar Galactica.
For those uninitiated, Battlestar Galactica was created by a Mormon! In the original kitsch series of the 1970's , as well as the current series, there were and are many references that Mormons would be familiar with. There is a quorum of 12 that run the government, there are Gods and God, the home planet is call Kobol. People get married for "time and all eternity." There are more: see here and here. Very interesting.
This gets me to the current series. It won an Peabody Award and many others. It is what T.V. should be, challenging, provocative, and always makes you think. They have dealt with issues such as terrorism and torture, labor relationships, justice, etc. Not to mention religion and spirituality. Always tough, but very satisfying. While it is Science Fiction, it is the story the runs the show, not the gadgets.
If you can, watch it on SciFi or Rent it, you won't be disappointed.
Friday, March 28, 2008

I am a Big X-Files fan. I loved the show, one of the best of all time. I sometimes watch it late at night, it's on TNT and SciFi channels. Anyways, the new film is coming this summer. I cant wait!!!
Here are a couple of trailers leaked onto the internet (or were they leaked? hmmm):
Click here for Trailer 1
Click here for Trailer 2
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
New Obama Mashup and Response to Doug
The song is "The Tide is Turning" by Roger Waters (of Pink Floyd), using clips from Obama's speech "A More Perfect Union" which Doug and I are discussing, see below:
Doug writes:
"When I use the term "white nationalism" I mean the ideological configuration that often directly links elements such as Christianity, militarism and a patriotism that really isn't patriotism because it hold that American is always already on the right track."
I'm not sure I agree with your definition. This is the kind of crap that governments all over the world have used time after time to justify horrible things, be it Christianity, Hindusim, Islam, etc. Think Chile, India/Pakistan wars, El Salvador - just change out "America". That said, a better term would be American Nationalism, as it's not just White Americans that buy into this crap. For me, this is very disturbing. However, I do believe that American patriotism is a weird concept, for in order to defend the freedom to speak out against the government, you have to defend that same government. Think about the African-Americans who fought in WWII, having to return the instutionalized racism after the war.
Nevertheless in the context of Obama's speech, I agree and disgree with some of your critiques of his speech.
1. I do believe that some of the reason for the speech was to allay some of the furor in some of the reaction in Non-Afrcan-Americans. I say this because it was not just Whites that found Rev. Wright's comments offensive. The coverage in Spanish speaking media was similar, albeit more subdude. I for one was not offended. I'm there where Asians, Jews, etc., who found the comments offensive. It was something he had to do, and I think he made an excellent effort.
2. I don't agree with your analysis of this quote:
"But the remarks that have caused this recent firestorm weren't simply controversial. They weren't simply a religious leader's effort to speak out against perceived injustice. Instead, they expressed a profoundly distorted view of this country . . ."
- I think you did not take this quote into perpective with the rest of the speech. I think he was trying to convey that people of Rev. Wright's generation still have the mindset in the world they were raised, the suspicion of the Other was incolcated. I think the Obama's view is that there have been many strides in race relations, however, those of that generation still carry in them the ingrained suspcion that cannot be shaken. It is this pardigm in which they still see America. (It's the baby-boomer thing.) That is the root of the "profoundly distorted view of this country" that he was referring to. I don't agree that he was adopting the nationalism you speak of at all, but rather a different view of race relations and the greater America. That while problems persit, American, as a whole, is a profoundly different place than it was, and to portray America as Rev. Wright did is a profoundly distorted view, because it a view of an America that, while it did exist, is not the current America. However, there is still more to go in race relations.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
I was in Bosnia getting shot at!! - Hillary's Macaca Moment 2?
Wow, I can't believe that she padded this event soooo much! You would think that in day where anything on video appears on the Internet that her campaign would have checked to see if indeed she was taking sniper fire and had to run to the cars as she claims.
I don't know how many you have been near gunfire shot in anger, but let me tell you, it's hard to forget. I can distinctly remember 3 incidents of gunfire shot in anger (ok 1 was only a gun pointed in anger) twice in Hollywood, once in Highland Park (where my mom lives).
Has Hillary been around so much gunfire that she mixes the events together in her memory? I'm sorry I cant believe that she "misspoke" on something so memorable. Can they possibly be that dumb? Wow Sinbad was right!
Here is a good story by one of the reporters that was there that day (Click here).
Video here:
Friday, March 21, 2008
"The document they produced was eventually signed but ultimately unfinished. It was stained by this nation's original sin of slavery
The press has scoured every exit poll for the latest evidence of racial polarization, not just in terms of white and black, but black and brown as well
The church contains in full the kindness and cruelty, the fierce intelligence and the shocking ignorance, the struggles and successes, the love and yes, the bitterness and bias that make up the black experience in America.Even for those blacks who did make it, questions of race, and racism, continue to define their worldview in fundamental ways. For the men and women of Reverend Wright's generation, the memories of humiliation and doubt and fear have not gone away; nor has the anger and the bitterness of those years. That anger may not get expressed in public, in front of white co-workers or white friends. But it does find voice in the barbershop or around the kitchen table. At times, that anger is exploited by politicians, to gin up votes along racial lines, or to make up for a politician's own failings.
That anger is not always productive; indeed, all too often it distracts attention from solving real problems; it keeps us from squarely facing our own complicity in our condition, and prevents the African-American community from forging the alliances it needs to bring about real change. But the anger is real; it is powerful; and to simply wish it away, to condemn it without understanding its roots, only serves to widen the chasm of misunderstanding that exists between the races. In fact, a similar anger exists within segments of the white community. Most working- and middle-class white Americans don't feel that they have been particularly privileged by their race. Their experience is the immigrant experience - as far as they're concerned, no one's handed them anything, they've built it from scratch. They've worked hard all their lives, many times only to see their jobs shipped overseas or their pension dumped after a lifetime of labor....when [white people] hear that an African American is getting an advantage in landing a good job or a spot in a good college because of an injustice that they themselves never committed; when they're told that their fears about crime in urban neighborhoods are somehow prejudiced, resentment builds over time.
Like the anger within the black community, these resentments aren't always expressed in polite company. But they have helped shape the political landscape for at least a generation. Anger over welfare and affirmative action helped forge the Reagan Coalition. Politicians routinely exploited fears of crime for their own electoral ends. Talk show hosts and conservative commentators built entire careers unmasking bogus claims of racism while dismissing legitimate discussions of racial injustice and inequality as mere political correctness or reverse racism.And yet, to wish away the resentments of white Americans, to label them as misguided or even racist, without recognizing they are grounded in legitimate concerns - this too widens the racial divide, and blocks the path to understanding. This is where we are right now. It's a racial stalemate we've been stuck in for years."
As I stated before, I have never heard any public figure confront the underlying anger that exist in America today. Particularly discussing that anger the exist on all side of this issue, and how these world views create a climate where the racism is latent, whispered at home or with members of your own community. This is not skirting the issues, but laying it bare for all see.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Of Race and Marriage
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Nikki's Talk on Sunday - A very proud Husband!

Below is Nikki's talk from this past Sunday. I did not get a chance to listen to it, as I had to chase Marco throughout the church building. I did get a lot of comments about how good it was, that they felt a Spirit when listening to it. I hope you have time to read it. I think it is brilliant, she had the guidance of the Spirit when she wrote it. The topic is "being judgmental":
Somehow I’ve been able to escape speaking in this ward for 2 ½ years, although Julio has spoken 3 times already and told you his side of our story. So, I will give my account of how we met. We met in a teacher’s credential program down in LA. I walked in the first night and saw him sitting in the back in a big oversized coat, black hornrimmed glasses and blue hair. I sat down a few seats in front of him and then the instructor walked in. She asked us to fill out some paperwork, which Julio immediately had a problem with and started arguing with her about it. The instructor got so upset, she left the room. I then turned around and very rudely said to Julio, “Just sign it!” Later in the class, the instructor had us do a “getting to know you activity” She had us line up according to our birthdays. The whole time I was thinking, “Please don’t let me be with the blue-haired guy.” But, we both have October birthdays, so he ended up being my partner. I had already decided I didn’t want anything to do with him based on the first impression. Julio tried really hard to be friendly with me, but I refused to reciprocate. Needless to say, over a year and a half, things changed. I misjudged him at first, but fortunately, I overcame that and was able to get to know the kind, generous, intelligent, selfless guy that I married.
This all fits into the topic I was given to speak on: judging others unrighteously. The scripture I was given to base my talk on is in Matthew 7:1-5 and also 3 Nephi 14:2-5 The Lord gave a warning to guide us in our judgment of others: "With what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged; and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother: Let me pull the mote out of thine eye—and behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast the mote out of thy brother's eye" (3 Nephi 14:2–5).
In pondering this scripture, it made me reflect on my own imperfections-one of which is being judgemental. However harshly I judge others, I will be judged just as harshly by Heavenly Father. Also, in reading this scripture, it made me think I need to evaluate myself in the area of which I am judging somebody else before I worry about how they are in that area. Heavenly Father know us perfectly and knows our intentions, our feelings and backgrounds and knows why we do the things we do. We however, do not have that same ability and can not know the intentions, feelings, or backgrounds of those we judge. “but the Lord said unto Samuel, Look not on his countenance, or on the height of his staure, because I have refused him, for the Lord seeth not as man seeth, for man looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord looketh on the heart>” (1 Sam 16:7) Only the Lord has the ability to make perfect judgements of others. In a talk by Elder Dallin H. Oaks, he addresses this when he quoted Joseph Smith: “While one portion of the human race is judging and condemning the other without mercy, the Great Parent of the universe looks upon the whole of the human family with a fatherly care and paternal regard; … He holds the reins of judgment in His hands; He is a wise Lawgiver, and will judge all men, … ‘not according to what they have not, but according to what they have,’ those who have lived without law, will be judged without law, and those who have a law, will be judged by that law” (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, sel. Joseph Fielding Smith [1976], 218).
Elder Oaks went on to say: Thus, we must refrain from making final judgments on people because we lack the knowledge and the wisdom to do so. We would even apply the wrong standards. The world’s way is to judge competitively between winners and losers. The Lord’s way of final judgment will be to apply His perfect knowledge of the law a person has received and to judge on the basis of that person’s circumstances, motives, and actions throughout his or her entire life (see Luke 12:47–48; John 15:22; 2 Ne. 9:25).
Even the Savior, during His mortal ministry, refrained from making final judgments. We see this in the account of the woman taken in adultery. After the crowd who intended to stone her had departed, Jesus asked her about her accusers. “Hath no man condemned thee?” (John 8:10). When she answered no, Jesus declared, “Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more” (John 8:11). In this context the word condemn apparently refers to the final judgment (see John 3:17).
The Lord obviously did not justify the woman’s sin. He simply told her that He did not condemn her—that is, He would not pass final judgment on her at that time. This interpretation is confirmed by what He then said to the Pharisees: “Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man” (John 8:15). The woman taken in adultery was granted time to repent, time that would have been denied by those who wanted to stone her.
It is much easier for us to point out others flaws or sins before reflecting on and recognizing our own. We might condemn someone for outward appearance of sin, such as
In a talk given by N. Eldon Tanner in 1972, he quoted;
“Wouldn’t this old world be better
If the folks we meet would say:
‘I know something good about you,’
And then treat us that way?”
Then I thought of the words of one of our hymns:
“Let each man learn to know himself;
To gain that knowledge let him labor,
Improve those failings in himself
Which he condemns so in his neighbor.
How lenient our own faults we view,
And conscience’s voice adeptly smother;
Yet, oh, how harshly we review
The selfsame failings in another! …
So first improve yourself today
And then improve your friends tomorrow.”
—Hymns, no. 91
When I taught 3rd grade I had some challenging students. One year I had 12 little boys in my class who were almost all labeled as troublemakers. I decided to approach the first week of school in a different way-not assuming that the students knew the appropriate way to behave, I would teach them what they should do-not what they shouldn’t do. They responded in a very positive way and my class was very well behaved-you couldn’t distinguish the troublemakers. I tried to accentuate the positive qualities in these students, instead of treating them as the label they were given. I also gained a lot of compassion for these students-many came from single parent homes and went home to an empty apartment to play video games until late at night. They didn’t have good examples or guidance at home, so the least I could do with the 7 hours a day they were in my classroom, was try to provide that for them. As much as we can, we should judge people's situations rather than judging the people themselves. Whenever possible, we should refrain from making judgments until we have an adequate knowledge of the facts. It’s not to say I’ve acted this way in all situations in my life, I wish I had, but that is one positive example I can give from my own life.
And we should always be sensitive to the Holy Spirit, who can guide our decisions.
It reminds me of the story of the Prodigal Son. |
I am going to quote from a talk given by Elder Jeffrey R. Holland because I think he told the story very well. “Among the most memorable parables the Savior ever told is the story of a foolish younger brother who went to his father, asked for his portion of the estate, and left home to squander his inheritance, the scripture says, in “riotous living.” 1 His money and his friends disappeared sooner than he thought possible—they always do—and a day of terrible reckoning came thereafter—it always does. In the downward course of all this he became a keeper of pigs, one so hungry, so stripped of sustenance and dignity that he “would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat.” But even that consolation was not available to him.
Then the scripture says encouragingly, “He came to himself.” He determined to find his way home, hoping to be accepted at least as a servant in his father’s household. The tender image of this boy’s anxious, faithful father running to meet him and showering him with kisses is one of the most moving and compassionate scenes in all of holy writ. It tells every child of God, wayward or otherwise, how much God wants us back in the protection of His arms.
But being caught up in this younger son’s story, we can miss, if we are not careful, the account of an elder son, for the opening line of the Savior’s account reads, “A certain man had two sons”—and He might have added, “both of whom were lost and both of whom needed to come home.”
The younger son has returned, a robe has been placed on his shoulders and a ring on his finger, when the older son comes on the scene. He has been dutifully, loyally working in the field, and now he is returning. The language of parallel journeys home, though from very different locations, is central to this story.
As he approaches the house, he hears the sounds of music and laughter.
“And he called one of the servants [note that he has servants], and asked what these things meant.
“And [the servant] said unto him, Thy brother is come; and thy father hath killed the fatted calf, because he hath received him safe and sound.
“And [the older brother] was angry, and would not go in: therefore came his father out, and intreated him.”
Certainly this younger brother had been a prisoner—a prisoner of sin, stupidity, and a pigsty. But the older brother lives in some confinement, too. He has, as yet, been unable to break out of the prison of himself. He is haunted by the green-eyed monster of jealousy and pride. 2 He feels taken for granted by his father and disenfranchised by his brother, when neither is the case. He is also too prideful to forgive his brother for what he’s done to the family. He has fallen victim to a fictional affront. As such he is like Tantalus of Greek mythology—he is up to his chin in water, but he remains thirsty nevertheless. One who has heretofore presumably been very happy with his life and content with his good fortune suddenly feels very unhappy simply because another has had some good fortune as well. The sins of pride and jealousy that the older son commited are almost always linked to unrighteous judgement and just as serious as the sins the prodigal son committed.
Ridding ourselves of pride and judgement is something that can be done only through drawing nearer to Christ and being diligent in reading our scriptures and praying.
In the same talk by Elder Oaks he said, “ In the intermediate judgments we must make, we should take care to judge righteously. We should seek the guidance of the Spirit in our decisions. We should limit our judgments to our own stewardships. Whenever possible we should refrain from judging people until we have an adequate knowledge of the facts. So far as possible, we should judge circumstances rather than people. In all our judgments we should apply righteous standards. And, in all of this we must remember the command to forgive.”
This statement wraps up my talk perfectly. This talk was given to me for a reason, so I could self-evaluate and learn the importance of not judging others.It has been a good learning experience for me. It also reminded me that I already know that these principles are true, I experienced it first hand with my husband. I know that if we follow the words of Christ and of our church leaders, we can overcome pride and unrighteous judgement. We can learn to see people in a positive light and see them as fellow children of a God who loves us all equally. In doing this, we can find greater peace and happiness, and maybe even a new friend we