Tuesday, March 25, 2008

I was in Bosnia getting shot at!! - Hillary's Macaca Moment 2?

Ok, I have to comment on this Hillary Bosnia Story.

Wow, I can't believe that she padded this event soooo much! You would think that in day where anything on video appears on the Internet that her campaign would have checked to see if indeed she was taking sniper fire and had to run to the cars as she claims.

I don't know how many you have been near gunfire shot in anger, but let me tell you, it's hard to forget. I can distinctly remember 3 incidents of gunfire shot in anger (ok 1 was only a gun pointed in anger) twice in Hollywood, once in Highland Park (where my mom lives).

Has Hillary been around so much gunfire that she mixes the events together in her memory? I'm sorry I cant believe that she "misspoke" on something so memorable. Can they possibly be that dumb? Wow Sinbad was right!

Here is a good story by one of the reporters that was there that day (Click here).

Video here:

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