Friday, November 7, 2008

Anti-Mormon Ad opposing prop. 8

Very interesting....of course some of their facts are way off.

Now that the intiative to amend the consitution has passed, opponents have taken to the streets. That is their right. They can make all the noise they want, that is what makes this country great. But they screwed up. If they did not want this to pass, they should have made the argument to the state's electorate. I think they took it for granted that the proposition would not pass, as the polls demonstrated and therefore did not make their case clearly, or perhaps they did. Either way, it is clear that the electorate is not prepared to make the leap that opponents of prop 8 believe that state was ready to do. It is interesting that the Black vote was instrumental in prop. 8's passage, as they, as a whole, do not see it as a civil rights issue.

There have been legal challanges to prop. 8. I would be very suprised if the courts overturn the voter's choice, now that this is an amendment to the constitution and it is the second time california has voted the same way.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What this means to me...

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I found this on a blog. I wish people would give Obama a chance before attacking him. But I will tell you one thing, ask anyone who calls Obama a socialist/communist/marxist, why, and see if they give you an intelligent answer.

When 8:00 p.m. came, I knew that they would call the election for Obama. I could not believe it, so much, that I teared up. Lucia asked me why I was smelling (she meant sniffling). I told her that Obama had won. I did not believe it was possible until it actually happened, I really believed that McCain would win.
As a minority, I never thought it would happened, only on "24" or "Deep Impact", Hollywood fantasies. But here, it was happening, in my lifetime. It was incredible, a deeply moving moment for me personally. This is how it must have felt to Blacks in South Africa, when Mandela was elected after years of Apartheid, or in Bolivia, how indigenous people felt when Evo Morales, the first first fully indigenous head of state in the 470 years since the Spanish Conquest was elected as President. Or in Chile, when Michelle Bachelet was elected, after she had been tortured by Pinochet, in the name of the same country she was now leading; how those who have been tortured, pursued, and detained in the name of Chile must have felt. But this was in my country, after all this country has seen, from Dred Scott to Rodney King, here, this country had turned a corner.
I tought about how my bi-racial brown children will grow up with a bi-racial, brown, dark face as the leader of this country. It's a new reality, the new normal. My children will see his face, as they grow up, and not think it weird, unusual, or even historic that he is the President, but just normal, and that, is the most important thing.
There is much to be done, and I reserve my judgment of President-Elect Obama for the future. But for now, his victory is a victory for America, for the promise of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution, and all the sweat and tears of so many nameless and forgotten.
As the President-Elected stated, "If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer. "

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Fox Disses Palin...We were this close...She Did Not Know Africa was a Continent!!!!!

Wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We dodged a dare McCain make such a dumb choice.

For a longer video see: Here

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Obama Wins - US, World Celebrates

Celebrating in Sydney, Australia

The World celebrates this historic day: Here
The Country celebrates : Here
Newspaper Headlines: Here

NBC announces:

CNN Announces: