Here is a post I found about GOP convention last night:
"Why would that kind of work be ridiculous?" Obama said. "Who are they fighting for? What are they advocating for? They think that the lives of those folks who are struggling each and every day, that working with them to try to improve their lives is somehow not relevant to the presidency? I think maybe that's the problem -- that's part of why they're out of touch and they don't get it 'cause they haven't spent much time working on behalf of those folks."
My Husband and I have been Registered Republicans for 45 years and fully planned on supporting the ticket this year as well.
My son has been a Community Organizer in Boston for the past 5 years and done tremendous and important work helping the less fortunate. My Husband and I are very proud of him and until last night were proud Republicans as well- but we've NEVER been so insulted in all our lives. Imagine if one of your children's chosen career was fed through the meat grinder the way ours was!!!!!
We were sitting there and the entire convention felt like it was mocking us, our wonderful son and the choices he's made in his life - to try and give back and make a difference. I'm embarrassed to say this morning the whole thing had me in tears.
This concept may be laughable to most in the GOP but it's not to us and we support him 100% and we could never support a Party that so willingly mocks members children.
Furthermore, I found the tone of the whole thing to be rather Sophomoric and had virtually NO substance at all - especially Rudy G and Palin.
We wanted to know more about Sarah Palin and instead got negativity and condescending attacks from WHO exactly? Who are you- we still don't know except that you can insult others- many of them!
This whole thing came off as preachy, very divisive and just plain nasty.
Must admit that I feel terrible and ashamed that I would support a ticket and a Party that so freely tossed people like my son under the bus for Political gain?
Or is that just the way the GOP feels about Citizens that aren't up to their high standards of making a living? Who really are the elitist here????
Either way- the attack on Community Organizers may have initiated it and although if I relied on the speeches we still have NO Idea where Palin stands on the issues but- do know that she can recite snarky remarks that were obviously provided for her.
What are her plans ideas hopes- who knows?
Certainly the very limited info that has been provided on her positions is quite enough for us - this woman is WAY too far Right, even for us lifetime Republicans. This is the direction the GOP wants as a symbol of the future? This is the direction you want to take the Party? Creationism in School, Iraq is a 'task from God', Abstanance, No incest or rape options, Ignore creationism, greenhouse effect is a myth and on and on.
Our youngest son (a Dentist- is that better?)- is a ardent Obama supporter and has been Campaigning here in Richmond Virginia for him for months. Today we are going to join him, not just because our son and thousands of others that work in the Social services, was ridiculed but because in our hearts we've known for a while that THIS time- It's the right thing to do! We will work with the same conviction we did for IKE way back when to get a ticket elected that we feel is representative for ALL (or the vast majority of) the people. We will try and convince close friends relatives and people at our Catholic Church to do the same!
I would have never in my wildest dreams thought this would have happened - that my own Party would make me feel so badly, completely ostracized and like the butt of a cruel and unnecessary joke. In the bigger picture, however- It has become abundantly clear to us and surely to some other Moderate Republicans and Independents-, that the Pat Buchanan and Rovarian Wing has won out!!!! These weren't the values and principals of the Party I supported, not even close. Last night my husband said to me- "President Reagan would be ashamed" and you know what- I bet he's right!
We are done buying into the GOP hate and scare machine and urge any open minded and realistic Republicans to do the same.
Thank you for allowing my thoughts to be heard.
God Bless
1 comment:
No kidding. That was so insulting! I kept thinking, all they do is slam the other side but not actually tell us what they are for. Did you see this? http://trailblazersblog.dallasnews.com/archives/2008/09/jon-stewart-digs-up-some-old-c.html
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