Friday, September 5, 2008

Specific Plans from the Candidates

Now that the conventions are over, CNN has a rundown of the specific (and not so specific) proposals by both of the candidates, Obama and McCain. (click on the name to see)

What I found interesting is that McCain only mentioned Bush once, and did not mention Cheney at all, nor did he talk about my most important issue: Health Care. I asked a staunch conservative what exactly is the GOP's plan to fix the health care mess, and they were not able to tell me. I still don't know after listening to the GOP convention. Does anybody know? I hope people can see through this Palin hoopla and ask the serious policy questions, such as Health Care. Come to think of it, Palin's speech said absolutely nothing about policy (save for Drill Baby Drill).

Are Americans that in love with personalities that they do not bother to look at the issues? Are we?

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