Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I could have run a better Prop. 8 Campaign

Too bad the that people that are running the Prop. 8 campaing are dumb. I could have done a better job.

From what I can make out there were three main arguments:
1. That "Activist Judges from San Francisco" are making laws and not respecting the will of the people.
2. That children will be taught that gay marriage is ok in schools.
3. We should only have traditional marriage.

"Activist Judges from San Francisco"
This is just dumb. They are using "San Francisco" to contect the judges to the liberal city. Well, the California Supreme Court (CSC) is based in San Francisco, so any judge that sits on the CSC is based in San Francisco. Of course the author of the In re Marriages, and almost all the members of the court were GOP appointees.

Of course the paradox of this argument is that if Proposition 8 does not pass, then the decision would reflect public opinion, hence, the court would not have been "activist".

see ad:

"Kids in School"
I keep asking myself why, why? This opened the campaing to numerous attacks, and now it as challanged the CA School Superindendent. I found this on youtube:

Depending on the attorney, CA may or may not require teaching gay marriage in school.

See, since the ad above does not mention that that Mass. court decision is based on state law, the opponents seized on this...

"Protects Traditional Marriage"
This was the best argument, but it has been totally lost in the half-truths, conjecture, and controversy of the campaign not the issue. This is really unfortunate.

Here is my view:

1 comment:

Potters said...

Yes, it is truly a shame that the campaign has had to resort to lies and conjecture. It makes us all look bad. I know here on the mountian Ani Mormon sentiment is raging.