No, not this Mormon,
this one:

Anyways, he has decided not to run for reelection. He claims it is time for him to do something new and of course, wants to spend the next chapter of his life with his wife. (see http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/005053.php)
What the statement fails to mention is the following:
1. he is under investigation by the Justice Department in connection to the Abramoff scandal
(see http://www.nevadaappeal.com/article/SS/20080102/NEWS/69737972)
2. there is some question of why his wife was paid from his campaign funds
(see: http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/07/10/AR2006071001164.html)
3. there is some question about the money he received from Indian casino outside of California
(see: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2005/12/27/BAGHRGDHV41.DTL)
4. He won his last reelection by only a few percentage points, in a heavily Republican district
(see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_4th_congressional_district_election,_2006)
There is much more.
Now, what Stinks about all of this is that Mr. Doolittle is a Member of the Church. Why? How does a Member of the Church become so corrupted? It really bothers me that non-member will point to politicians as examples of what is the church(think Romney).
One more thing that really bothered me about Mr. Doolittle. He sent a letter to specifically to Members where he railed against the press for "attacking" him. I thought we are not suppose to do things like that (of course he could have use a list compiled from other sources, other than stake directories, still seems unethical to me to target only members) see: http://solongjohn.blogspot.com/2006/04/doolittle-attempts-to-rally-his-base.html
It was thought that Mr. Dootlittle was going to lose the seat to a ex-military Dem Charlie Brown. But by retiring, the seat became a safe seat for the GOP. What timing, I'm sure none of the listed facts went into Mr. Dootlittle's thinking.
Mormon Politicians: Good or Bad?
maybe the question should be "mormon politicians,not any worse than any one else." there are plenty of stories of all kinds of men in different church positions who have made really bad choices. just because their mormons doesn't keep them from being men. isn't that a lot of the reason we were put here? to over come the natural man?
ps. I don't condon his or any mormons poor actions, I do agree that they should do better than the average.
Doolittle is a prime example of the cocky Republican that assumes they can do no wrong in the name of their party ideology. This might be another example of how some people combine political ideology and their religion (not just mormonism). It is not surprising that Doolittle would call upon his mormon constituents when he gets in trouble as it is a sad fact that mormons generally support mormons when the cards are down. In this case, with liberals attacking (and we know how much some mormons hate liberals), he was sure that his own kind would rally around him. Glad to see another corrupt politican, regardless of party, fall!
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