Here is an very interesting article from the Wall Street Journal discussing the Anti-Mormonism we have experienced since Romney began is run for President and putting the spotlight on the church. Pass it on if you can. Click Here.
Very interesting article! I do think that Huckabee is anti-mormon his bitter remarks and his actions clearly reflect his deep distain for anything Romney represented. It is really sad that people still use religion as a litmus test when choosing a president.
We thought the article was interesting too. It is so sad to hear of the attacks brought on the church. I guess we are still far from religious tolerance. There are so many misinformed people out there...good ol' Huckabee being one of them.
doesn't it just stand to reason that the Gospel is TRUE - simply because there is so much vehement opposition and so many incredibly rediculous rumors that any educated person should know are unfounded, but still believe and pass on. I am just surprised they didn't bring up that mormons have horns. didn't you grow a set after you were baptized Julio? Well, I am all in for Obama now. I may have to obstain from voting if I have to choose between Billary and McCain.
Very interesting article! I do think that Huckabee is anti-mormon his bitter remarks and his actions clearly reflect his deep distain for anything Romney represented. It is really sad that people still use religion as a litmus test when choosing a president.
We thought the article was interesting too. It is so sad to hear of the attacks brought on the church. I guess we are still far from religious tolerance. There are so many misinformed people out there...good ol' Huckabee being one of them.
doesn't it just stand to reason that the Gospel is TRUE - simply because there is so much vehement opposition and so many incredibly rediculous rumors that any educated person should know are unfounded, but still believe and pass on. I am just surprised they didn't bring up that mormons have horns. didn't you grow a set after you were baptized Julio? Well, I am all in for Obama now. I may have to obstain from voting if I have to choose between Billary and McCain.
I've grown a tail instead, what does that mean?
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